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Author: taxsecretsblog

The Difference Between an Audit, a Review, and a Compilation

When it comes time for financial documents to be corroborated, the three options available are a compilation, a review, and an audit. Each of these represents a very different degree of effort and investigation, and therefore each provides differing levels of confidence for investors and

Your Guide to Using 529 College Savings Plans

When it comes to saving for your child’s future college expenses, 529 college savings plans are one of the most popular options — and for good reason. These plans allow you to tuck away money for future tuition expenses without taking a hit from taxes.

Repairing Your Business’s Bad Credit Score

The creditworthiness of your business is measured by its credit score. This number is issued by Dun & Bradstreet, Experian, Equifax, and FICO SBSS, and is an essential reflection of your company’s payment reliability and timeliness. Why is Your Business Credit Score Important? Your company’s

3 Common Personal Income Tax Problems & How to Respond

ax problems aren't just a worry that hang over people's heads from January through April every year. Many of them go far beyond the numbers that you report, and they can require additional evidence that your bank statements and paychecks can't provide. Additionally, the IRS

6 Simple Personal Finance Tips That Lead to a Big Payoff

Let's face it: A lot of personal finance advice seems to be incredibly repetitive and common sense — like paying off your debt ASAP and watching your discretionary spending when money is tight. Much money-saving advice also tends to be geared toward people who already have money

Personal Finance Tips for Recent College Graduates

Congratulations! You've worked hard on your degree and are ready to move forward with your first job and other major life decisions. While your degree and this first job don't necessarily set your life in stone, now is a crucial time to start making smart