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Author: taxsecretsblog

You May Qualify for the 20% Tax Pass-Through Deduction

Article Highlights: Sec 199A Deduction Qualified Business Income Threshold Specified Service Businesses Limitations Wage Limitation Aggregating Amounts Several years ago, when Congress changed the tax-rate structure for C corporations to a flat rate of 21% instead of the former graduated rates that topped out at

The Most Important KPIs for E-Commerce Businesses

If you’re running an e-commerce business, you are part of one of the most exciting and expansive aspects of the global economy. No matter what you’re selling – whether product or service — the challenges are constant and the competition is fierce. That’s why it’s

Read This First Before Tapping Your Retirement Savings

Article Highlights: Tapping Your Retirement Savings Traditional IRAs and Qualified Retirement Plans Simple IRAs Early-Withdrawal Penalties Reduction in Retirement Savings Exceptions from the Early-Withdrawal Penalty Roth IRAs Your 401(k), IRA or other retirement accounts may be a tempting source for cash if you find yourself

Cash Flow Solution for Seniors

Article Highlights: Reverse Mortgages Reverse Mortgage Terms When Is the Interest Deductible? Who Deducts the Interest? Other Options The annual inflation rate in the U.S. accelerated to 7.5% in January of 2022, the highest since February of 1982, hitting those on fixed retirement income, namely

Charitable Tax Deduction Peculiarities

Article Highlights: Charity Auctions Use of an Asset Charity Volunteer Away-From-Home Travel Expenses Entertainment Vehicle Use Uniforms Vehicle Donations Valuing Non-cash Contributions Documentation Charitable contributions are deducted as part of a taxpayer’s itemized deductions on IRS Schedule A, except for the special 2020 and 2021

Inheritances Enjoy a Special Tax Benefit

Article Highlights: Stepped-Up Basis Inherited Basis Inheritance Basis Example Step Down Basis Long-Term Capital Gains Tax Rates Jointly Owned Property Gifting Prior to Death You may hear people use the term “Stepped-Up Basis” that many believe is a tax provision that allows beneficiaries of an

March 2022 Due Dates

March 2022 Individual Due Dates March 10 - Report Tips to Employer If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during February, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later