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Author: taxsecretsblog

Tax Benefits for Members of the Military

Article Highlights: Service Member Residence or Domicile Service Member Spouse’s Residence or Domicile Non-Taxable Allowances Combat Zone Exclusion Home Mortgage Interest Deduction Home Property Tax Deduction Home Sale Gain Exclusion Moving Deduction Death Gratuity Payments Child Credit Earned Income Tax Credit IRA Contributions Reservist’s Travel

Take Tax Advantage of a Low-Income Year

Article Highlights: Exercise Stock Options Convert a Traditional IRA to a Roth IRA Maximize IRA Distributions Sell Appreciated Stock Delay Business Expenditures Release Dependency Delay Personal Deductible Expenditures People generally assume that tax planning only applies to individuals with the big bucks. But think again,

Not All Interest Is Deductible for Taxes

Article Highlights: Interest Categories Category Deductibility Interest Tracing Rules A frequent question that arises when borrowing money is whether or not the interest will be tax deductible. That can be a complicated question, and unfortunately not all interest an individual pay is deductible. The rules

What Is a Required Minimum Distribution?

Article Highlights: Required Minimum Distributions When the Distributions Must Begin RMD Distribution Tables Figuring the Amount of the Distribution Beneficiary Distribution Rules Surviving Spouse Eligible Designated Beneficiaries Account Owner’s Minor Child Other Beneficiaries Ten Year Rule Pending Legislation Required minimum distributions (RMDs) are required distributions

Portability of Unused Estate Tax Exclusion

Article Highlights: Estate Tax Lifetime Exemption Surviving Spouse Portability Election Financial Drawback Election Considerations Portability Extension When an individual dies, the value of that individual’s estate is subject to estate taxation, which is currently 40% of the individual’s taxable estate. However, there is a lifetime

Will Your Planned Retirement Income Be Enough after Taxes?

Article Highlights: States With No Income Tax Social Security Benefits Roth IRA Retirement Account Traditional IRA Retirement Account Spousal IRA Back-Door Roth IRA Saver’s Credit Employer Pensions Employee Funded Retirement Plans Health Savings Accounts Brokerage Accounts Municipal Bonds Investments Home Equity & Gain Exclusion Reverse

August 2022 Due Dates

August 2022 Individual Due Dates August 10 - Report Tips to Employer If you are an employee who works for tips and received more than $20 in tips during July, you are required to report them to your employer on IRS Form 4070 no later

Shark Tank Investor Daymond John: His Story So Far

If you had to make a list of some of the more popular reality television shows these days, Shark Tank would undoubtedly be right at the top. Originally premiering in 2009, it's a program that has captured the imagination of people worldwide. A panel of