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Author: taxsecretsblog

Tax Planning Tips for Attorneys and Lawyers

When it comes to income tax planning, one of the most important things to understand is that not all professions are created equally. Yes, it's true that are certain rules that we all have to follow when it comes to the Internal Revenue Service. But

Understanding Tax-Deferred Investing

Article Highlights: Income Deferral Earnings Deferral Individual Retirement Accounts Retirement Accounts Bank Savings Short- and Long-Term Capital Gains Education Savings Accounts Health Savings Accounts Installment Sales Tax Deferred Exchanges Qualified Opportunity Funds When you are attempting to defer the taxability of a capital gain, save

January 2023 Due Dates

January 2023 Individual Due Dates January 3 - Time to Call For Your Tax Appointment - January is the beginning of tax season. If you have not made an appointment to have your taxes prepared, we encourage you to do so before the calendar becomes

Reminder: Deferred Social Security Payments Due 12/31

Article Highlights: Installment Due Date COVID 2020 Relief How To Repay This is reminder for employers and self-employed individuals that chose to defer paying part of their 2020 Social Security tax liability that their second annual installment of the deferred amount is due on Dec.

How to Manage Your Money During a Recession

According to one recent study, the probability of the United States experiencing a recession in the next year hit 96% in October 2022. If you needed a single statistic to outline the importance of paying attention to what is going on with the economy on

Looking Ahead to 2023 Taxes

Article Highlights: Solar Credit Home Backup Electric Storage Battery Credit Home Energy Improvement Credit Research Credit Clean Energy Vehicles (New and Used) Credits Standard Deduction Increase Increased Retirement Plan Contributions Other Tax-Related Inflation Adjustments With the holiday celebrations coming to an end and the New

What Is Business Cash Flow?

As the name suggests, cash flow is a term used to describe the money coming into and out of a business. Cash received - like money being paid to the business from its customers - would be inflow. Cash spent - like the funds being